Chess Players
$12.00 (incl. s&h within the U.S.) Tracks Children of the Night Footprints The Chess Players Miles Medley Miyako El Toro Ana Maria Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum Infant Eyes Black Nile Rio Witch Hunt Miyako […]
$12.00 (incl. s&h within the U.S.) Tracks Children of the Night Footprints The Chess Players Miles Medley Miyako El Toro Ana Maria Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum Infant Eyes Black Nile Rio Witch Hunt Miyako […]
$12.00 (incl. s&h within the U.S.) “…Joined, on various tracks, by additional horns, reeds, and strings, Talley’s quartet continually engages, surprises, and delights the listener.” -Bob Bernotas, Just Jazz WNTI-FM Tracks
$12.00 (incl. s&h within the U.S.) …”Talley takes you through a collage of jazz selections dedicated to the sights and sounds that make Kansas City what it is (and was).” Rod
$12.00 (incl. s&h within the U.S.) “Doug Talley and his fine group of Kansas City musicians…speak the language of jazz as well as it can be spoken.” Gary Foster, Concord Recording
$12.00 (incl. s&h within the U.S.) “It’s been a decade since I was last in KC town, but next time I’m going to look up these guys.” -Larry Hollis, Cadence Magazine
In 2004, the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, in Kansas City, commissioned the Doug Talley Quartet to compose and perform (live) a filmscore to Hitchcock’s The Lodger. Alfred Hitchcock once called The